Big Tech is on a roll.


I’ve scoured the internet for the most entertaining/important/scary/amazing stories about technology today.

1 Big Tech wants to kill the leap second
They say the extra hours have caused internet outages and disruptions. (CNET)

2 The QAnon ideology is thriving in the early stages.
But savvy Republicans are avoiding openly identifying themselves as believers. (NYT$)
+ Donald Trump refused to read lines condemning the Capitol riots during his speech. (Reuters)
+ The Pennsylvania Democratic candidate’s social media game is unique. (the guard)

3 Venture capitalists set to invest record sum in crypto
Totally unhindered in the last six months, then. (Reuters)
+ Hacked crypto platforms are begging thieves to give them back a portion of what they took.. (WSJ$)

4 American infantrymen are in real danger.
Roads made exclusively for vehicles are endangering the lives of people trying to cross. (Vox)
+ London is trialling pedestrian-first traffic lights. (MIT Technology Review)

5 Facebook is worse than news.
Pulling the plug on posts makes the platform look like a content graveyard. (Atlantic)
+ Failure to curb hate speech continues to fuel violence in Ethiopia. (insider)
+ The push to copy Meta TikTok is getting a little embarrassing. (Axios)
+ Instagram’s change hasn’t gone down well with users either. (TechCrunch)

6 Algorithms are messing with our sense of style.
A flat and general flavor igniting designed to appeal to everyone, but no one. (New York Dollar)
+ We are fighting for every penny with pricing algorithms designed to squeeze us.. (NPR)

7 Roblox is held back to please the Chinese censors.
And even that didn’t stop it from closing there a few months later. (motherboard)
+ Chinese gamers are using Steam’s wallpaper app to bypass pornography censorship.. (MIT Technology Review)

8 in the ongoing war on digital book lending
Physical libraries are being dragged into the debate over copyright law. (WP$)

9 Tech Entrepreneurs Are Selling Stocks in Their Lives
Because, why not? (New York Dollar)

10 Prepare yourself to find the return of the Glasshole
Companies are desperate to sell us smart glasses – but do we really need them? (The Verge)
+ Why does Facebook use Ray-Ban to make a claim on our face?. (MIT Technology Review)

Quote of the day

“Where’s he going next? Good luck there, little bag.”

— Finbarr Taylor, whose luggage went AWOL on a flight from California to Glasgow, sadly followed his bag’s journey around the world courtesy of Apple AirTag, Bloomberg reports.

The big story

In the machine that saved Moore’s Law

October 2021

In Wilton, Connecticut, the Dutch company ASML is building the world’s most sophisticated machine for lithography—a critical process used to create transistors, wires and other important components of microchips. The team’s speed and accuracy are key to maintaining Moore’s Law – the amount of transistors crammed into a microchip roughly doubles every two years, making the chips cheaper and more powerful.

It took ASML 9 billion R&D and 17 years of research to develop the industry-leading extreme ultraviolet (EUV) microchip machine. But the effort and time it took to do so raises some inevitable questions. How long can EUV maintain Moore’s Law? And what happens next? Read the full story.


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