Friday marked the ninth-congested day at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, a sign that the Austin – like any other part of the country – will be able to travel and eventually feel safe enough to do so.
Large image: Ahead of the fourth weekend of July, airport officials warned passengers to arrive early and warned of delays and cancellations due to lack of pilots.
- With the growing demand for air travel and the growing population of Austin, the airport has struggled with fuel and manpower shortages.
Numeral- More than 33,000 Austin passengers were screened by the TSA to start the holiday on Friday, and a total of 118,598 passengers were searched from Friday to Monday, airport officials said.
- Nineteen flights were canceled over the weekend, but in total, the airport was “ready for the fourth flight of July,” a spokesman told Axio.
- Airport officials have no information on the number of flight delays over the weekend.
- There were a total of 1,083 scheduled flights between Friday and Monday.
Minimize: Across the country, the air transport system has struggled with staff shortages and other issues, making it a major challenge for airlines, airports and the Federal Aviation Administration in recent days. Axiox wrote Alex Fispatrick.
BackgroundSome airlines have taken unusual precautions to control demand.
- Delta has issued an unusual apology that will allow people to reschedule their July 4 trip on less busy days.
- The American said there was a shortage of pilots and manpower for thousands of July flights scheduled for July, although the airline said a short delay had fixed the problem.
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