AI, do my homework! How ChatGPT brought teachers together with technology



AI tools can change the traditional rules of the classroom.

AI tools can change the traditional rules of the classroom.

Paris: All-knowing chatbots landed heavily last year, when one engineer convinced the machines they were caring, spreading fears that industries could be wiped out and sparking fears of an epidemic of cheating in schools and universities.

With the billions of words and vast amounts of information on the web in the easy-to-use chatGPT, alarm fever among educators is at an all-time high.

He can write a half-decent essay and answer many common classroom questions, sparking serious debate about the future of traditional education.

The New York City Department of Education banned ChatGPT from its network because of “concerns about its negative impact on student learning.”

“While the tool can provide quick and easy answers to questions, it doesn’t build critical thinking and problem-solving skills,” said the department’s Jenna Lyle.

A group of Australian universities says it will change exam formats to drive out AI tools, which it sees as outright cheating.

However, some in the education sector are more relaxed about AI tools in the classroom, and some see an opportunity rather than a threat.

– ‘Essential Innovation’ –

That’s partly because ChatGPT in its current form still gets things wrong.

To take one example, he thinks Guatemala is bigger than Honduras. no i don’t.

Also, ambiguous questions can throw him off track.

Ask the device to describe the Battle of Amiens, and it will provide a list or two that might go over the 1918 World War I conflict.

But it does not indicate that there was a conflict with the same name in 1870. It takes a lot of questions to figure out what’s wrong.

“ChatGPT is an important invention, but no more than calculators or text editors,” French author and educator Antonio Casilli told AFP.

“ChatGPT can help people who are stressed with a blank sheet of paper write a first draft, but still need to write and style.”

Nantes University researcher Olivier Eertscheidt agreed that teachers should focus on the positive.

Either way, he told AFP, high school students were using ChatGipt, and any attempt to block it would make it more attractive.

Teachers should “test the limits” of AI tools by generating texts themselves and analyzing the results with their students, he said.

– ‘People should know it’ –

But there’s another big reason to think teachers needn’t panic just yet.

AI typing tools have long been locked in an arms race with programs trying to sniff them out, and ChatGPT is no different.

A few weeks ago, an amateur programmer said he spent his New Year’s vacation creating an app that would analyze text and determine whether it was written by chatgpty.

“There’s so much hype about chatgpt,” Edward Tian wrote on Twitter.

“Is this and that written by AI? We as humans should know!”

His app GPTZero is not the first in the field and is unlikely to be the last.

Universities already use plagiarism-detecting software, so it doesn’t take much imagination to envision a future where every essay is subject to an I-check.

Campaigners are floating the idea of ​​digital watermarks or other types of indicators identifying AI work.

And OpenAI, the company that owns ChatGPT, said that it is already working on a prototype of “statistical watermarking”.

This implies that teachers will be better off in the long run.

But Casilli, still believes that the impact of such devices has a great symbolic value.

It partially modifies the rules of the game, whereby teachers challenge their students.

Now, the student queries the machine before checking everything in the output.

“Every time new tools appear, we start to worry about potential attacks, but we’ve also found ways to use them in our education,” Casilli said.


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