Adam Driver 65 was supposed to be a time travel movie



The following contains spoilers for 65, now in theaters.

From the leadership of Adam Driver 65 Upon hitting theaters, many viewers expressed confusion over the film’s missing time-travel arc. Set 65 million years ago on Earth, Rider plays a pilot named Mills, who crashes his spaceship on Earth. The only passenger is a little girl named Koa who speaks another language. The film revolves around Koa protecting Mills as they escape to a nearby crash site. At the end of the film, viewers see Mills fighting two giant dinosaurs. But despite what the film’s marketing suggests, Mills and Coa are not time travelers. They are humanoid aliens.

65’s Alien Arc proved problematic

Before the previous one, many outlets were introduced 65 Like a time-travel movie. And even after the previous one, many articles online still refer to the events in the 65 Like time travel. 65“After a catastrophic crash on an unknown planet, pilot Mills quickly discovers that he was stranded on Earth 65 million years ago,” the synopsis is equally misleading. However, the concept of time travel does not exist in the film. Although Mills and Koa are humanoid and possess advanced technology, they are not time-traveling humans but space-exploring aliens.

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in addition, 65 Mills made no effort to explain what project he was involved in and why he was conducting space missions with passengers stored in capsules. The only explanation that viewers received was “exploring other planets in space”. There is nothing to indicate whether or not Mills was human, other than a few details that suggest he improved healing. The alien arc has no definite configuration, and the faulting of the Earth during the late Cretaceous period has no meaning.

How time travel fixed the plot holes of the 65s

Adam Driver Mills sees a giant dinosaur skull in 65

In film, time travel usually has a significant impact on the timeline. Like movies Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Explain the importance of time travel as a future. Like movies of Tomorrow’s war And Avengers: Endgame Uses time travel to save/alter the future.

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If it enters 65, Mills and Coa travel through time, the film explains the importance of their journey, which leaves many viewers confused. An interesting theory from viewers links the presence of Mills and Koa on Earth to the beginning of humans. There have also been theories that humans may be aliens who have migrated to Earth from another part of the universe.

On the other hand, if Mills and Koa were people from the future, their escape would have been much more complicated. The scene where Mills is able to pull back his arm and use the weapon immediately shakes up their existence on Earth due to the impact of the asteroid. 65The ending process is also questionable. The film needs to explain how and why they returned to the past and how they will return.

To see how time travel could improve the story, 65 is currently in theaters.


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