Exclusive BODY404 designers change the fast fashion trend with i-inspiration


new york, July 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — AI is working to replace fast fashion designers with dozens of shirts in 10 seconds and thousands of items per day to create the next major social media-inspired fashion craze, but BODY404 is deliberately choosing original designers with new aesthetic looks. .

These themes are actively involved in redefining the rules of fashion and unique statement pieces that don’t fit Gen Z’s youth anywhere else.

Some Gen Zs are drawn to these social media-inspired mainstream fashion trends because they see it as more than a style, but an attitude. This could mean big business for fast fashion brands looking to use AI to predict and cash in on these next fashion trends.

BODY404 takes a different approach that enhances human creativity. He handpicks cult designers who help consumers find unique ways to be stylish rather than just on trend.

BODY404 Chief Brand Officer said, “AI-generated shirts can meet market trends, but they can’t tap into human emotions. Our one-of-a-kind expressions allow Gen Z consumers to live through their clothes.” Charles Wang.

Gen Z consumers represent 40 percent of the global market value 143 billion dollars. The typical Gen Z consumer doesn’t want to be defined by strict fashion rules, but prefers to discover and interact with fictional brands. Many of these brands are available at BODY404.

BODY404 values ​​the emotional connection between designers and consumers. BODY404 also values ​​the ability of designers to develop rituals that fulfill the inner need for self-expression, which is the criteria for selecting BODY404 designers.

Many BODY404 creators evoke a consumer’s past personal emotional experience by reflecting some deep social value.

“Our designers have worked hard to produce materials and fabrics to realize their original designs, and we want to grow their business with them and promote their unique beauty,” Wang said.

Young Gen Z fashion consumers are all the rage for fun experiences that allow them to break free. Some of the unique BODY404 designers guaranteed to ignite the urge to show off unapologetically include:

The playful and colorful designs Suan L Earrings bring the ultimate happiness to whoever wears them. Small pictures hanging below Suan L Earrings represent a childhood fantasy, taking you on a summer vacation.

Earrings are designed to celebrate personal moments of emotional joy.

Gel E Lua Jewelry is a brand that focuses on inclusion and self-acceptance in a woman’s perspective. The brand’s avatar, GELA, is a girly but fierce warrior building a better female community.

She advocates feminism so that girls everywhere can enjoy the fun that comes with femininity without being seen as childish or prudish.

Gel E Lua dives into the futuristic 3D world with metallic embellishments and an emotional narrative. The brand emphasizes that there is no perfect beauty or ugliness, excessive styling.

SideEffect Bags is another unique indie brand that explores all the possibilities of unusual materials. The brand seeks to create and expose the unexpected beauty of everyday objects with emotional symbolism.

Each of these handcrafted SideEffect products embody the concept of gender-fluidity and actively reshape gender norms in fashion.

“BODY404 also carries other dark horse indie brands. With the new BODY404 phone app, it’s easy for any fashion-conscious individual to join our movement of supporting thoughtfully designed and handcrafted staples that can’t be found anywhere else,” said Wang.

BODY404 was founded in 2021 by a global community of innovators. It aims to inspire new designers and artisans to grow their global businesses, stimulate manufacturers and logistics providers, and rekindle the passion for endless fashion festivals.

For more information or to schedule an interview, get in touch Charles Wang 4127373050 or [email protected].

Source BODY404


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