Florida Small Business Owner Sues Biden Administration Over Racial, Gender-Based Infrastructure Act


A Florida small business owner and immigrant from Romania sued the Biden administration over racial and gender quotas in the infrastructure bill passed last December.

A provision in the infrastructure law states that 10% of the funding will be “spent on small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.”

According to the lawsuit, Christian Bruckner, who owns a small business in Tampa, Florida, is ineligible for these funds under current law because of his skin color.

Rick Eisenberg, president and general counsel of the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Freedom, which represents Bruckner, told Fox News that “this clear classification of race and gender is not justified by the standards required by law.”

“The new infrastructure should be open to all small businesses based on their ability to do the job, not based on race or gender,” Bruckner said in a statement. “If President Biden really wants to help struggling small business owners, he should help new businesses struggling to survive, or small business owners like me with disabilities. But helping groups based on race and gender is unfair. I expect more from the government.”

Related: Infrastructure bill: Which Democrats, Republicans voted for Biden’s signature measure

According to Eisenberg, this is not the only thing that his company has taken, and the Biden administration has encouraged it to “hold people to the content of their behavior.”

Unfortunately for lawyers like us, it’s a growth industry. It shouldn’t be, Isenberg said. “The administration will finally learn to follow the law, to treat people not by the color of their skin, but by the substance of their character.”

Isenberg encouraged people who found themselves in a similar situation to Bruckner to speak up.

Read more at FOXNews.com.


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