‘Endless opportunities’ await P-TECH students. News, sports, jobs


Westfield’s Jordan Zack is pictured receiving a certificate of completion from WNY P-TECH Principal William Smoak.

Like a well-oiled machine, P-TECH Dunkirk recently celebrated the progress of its top students and congratulated those who completed the college portion of the program.

Students, families, teachers and administrators gathered in the Dunkirk High School auditorium to recognize the fourth P-TECH team. Students include Joel Amadori of Lake Shore, Giles Biles of Westfield, Michael Gugino of Dunkirk, Summer Hannold of Jamestown, Dominic Morris of Dunkirk, Preston Niemeyer of Gowanda, Michael Sanchez of Dunkirk, Charlie Scott of Dunkirk, Lorenzo Tarnowski of Silver Creek, Ryan. Wills of Dunkirk, and Steven Zentz of Dunkirk.

The seniors are moving toward their associate’s degrees at Jamestown Community College, and the freshmen and sophomores are eager to grow in their absence.

“A few weeks ago I overheard some talk from our classmates about who would step up to fill some of the shoes that will be leaving tonight.” P-TECH guidance counselor Erin Moynihan said. “That’s amazing to hear because you develop confidence in yourself and the underclassmen see that. They see that you have grown into a school leader and want to be a part of that.

Dunkirk senior Steven Zentz regrets the decision he and his classmates made four years ago to leave their hometown to pursue the unknown.

Pictured are seniors in the P-TECH Dunkirk program and students who recently earned their associate’s degrees after completing the Jamestown Community College portion of the program.

“We had no idea what we were getting into. We were leaving our local friends and joining an unknown group, but we all became great friends.” he said. “We all realized the endless possibilities before us because we decided to take a chance.”

Students who received their associate degrees during the ceremony were Chelton Bellinger of Gowanda, Jordan Zack of Westfield, David Kozlowski of Forestville, John McCullough of Jamestown, Garrett Sliwinski of Forestville and Hope Smith of Jamestown.

Anthony Bautista, Dunkirk Metal Products Sales Engineer, Business Partner delivered the address and noted how much the students have grown through the program.

“My colleagues and I believe that we have formed a good partnership with P-TECH. The skills and knowledge you gain through this program will help you throughout your life. he said. “The work I do today for Dunkirk Steel Products is exhausting, and I wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t educated myself and followed the path of technology. The world is a big place, and there are many opportunities.

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