Tak Business School | Tach receives $ 52 million donation to Dartmouth Conference on Health, Wealth and Sustainability


The Tucson Business School in Dar es Salaam has received the largest donation commitment in the school’s history — a $ 52.1 million Anonymous Annual Meeting to Encourage International Leaders, Academic Researchers and Students from the Private and Public Sector. To improve the health, wealth and sustainability of people and the planet in the 21st century.

“This historic gift will have a lasting and lasting impact not only on Tucson and Dar es Salaam, but also on organizations and communities around the world,” said Dean Matthew J. J. “The worst challenges facing the world today need new solutions. This Leadership Summit will be a strong and enduring demonstration of our school’s mission to prepare the world for the best in business and wise leaders.

Tack News: Ron Adner, Lindsey Leininger, Matthew Garcia, Douglas Irwin

Summer First Teachers Council Ron Adner, Nathaniel D.1906 and Martha E. Leverron Professor of Business Administration, Lindsey Leininger, Faculty of Clinics and Faculty of Tack Health Center; Matthew García, Professor of History and Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies at Dartmouth; And Douglas Irwin, John, French professor of economics at Dartmouth.

Using the unique skills of the leading International School of Business, one of the world’s leading research institutes, the signature conference draws on the breadth of knowledge and collaboration in the Dartmouth community. Assisting the Dartmouth Conference on Health, Wealth and Sustainability will be the knowledge of the Council of Teachers. Initially, the Tuck faculty was represented by Ron Adner, Nathaniel D.1906, and Martha E. Professor of Business Administration. Appointed Director of Health Care, Data Analysis and Public Policy Communication and most recently the Faculty of Tack Health Care Center. Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences include Matthew García, Professor of History and Latin American, Latin and Caribbean Studies, and Douglas Irwin, Professor of Economics, John French. Garcia research focuses on labor and immigration history as well as rural to urban studies; Irwin specializes in US trade policy, globalization, and WTO.

The worst problems in the world need new solutions. This conference will be a demonstration of our school’s strong and lasting mission.
Tack Dean Matthew J. Slaughter

From Dar es Salaam to the Gessel School of Medicine, the School of Tire Engineering, the College of Postgraduate and Advanced Studies, Arthur L. Inviting from Darmouth, including the Irving Institute for Energy and Society, the Rockefeller Public Policy Center, and John Slon. Diki Center for Global Awareness, this Darthmus initiative initiates intensive research led by strong research and visionary leadership.

“The conference reflects the donor’s strong commitment to the Dartmouth Scholarship Transformation and its in-class and out-of-class application,” said Johnny Keller, third-century management professor and director of the Department of Tack Business. And the community, the Assistant Dean, and the Tak-Dartmouth programs helped him receive the gift while he was serving. “The urgency of these challenges is clear, and the Dartmouth conference has great potential for innovation and critical solutions for health, wealth and sustainability.

Complex challenges can only be solved by using the full range of activity and creativity of our entire community community and beyond.
Dartmouth President Philip J. Halon D77

By connecting Dartmouth students and scholars with business and community leaders around the world, the forum provides an opportunity for participants to learn and learn from each other as they create new ways to solve future problems. Topics of the summit will address each other’s role in addressing global challenges in public policy, health care, climate change, politics and finance. Details of the new school year are being made and plans are underway for the inaugural summit.

“Complex challenges can only be solved by using the full range of activity and creativity throughout our campus community and beyond,” said President Philip J. Hanlon d’77. “This conference will create a global network of talented scholars and leaders who are committed to building a better world.”

The $ 52.1m grant will bring in more than $ 317 million for the Tak Difference campaign. A.D. With a target of $ 250 million in 2018, Took has surpassed the target of more than 81% of its alumni.


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