Starter Magazine What types of injuries are covered under Illinois Workers’ Comp?


As an employer in Illinois, it is important to understand the state’s workers’ compensation laws to ensure the safety and security of your employees, as well as protect your business from financial losses caused by workplace injuries.

Workers' compensation

Workers’ compensation insurance provides medical care and lost wage benefits to workers who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses. This blog post explains the damages covered under Illinois workers comp.

Traumatic injuries

Workers who suffer traumatic injuries while on the job are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. This category of injury includes any physical injury resulting from sudden and unexpected events such as falls, slips, and trips. Traumatic physical injuries often lead to fractures, concussions, bruises and strains.

Occupational diseases

Occupational diseases are caused by prolonged exposure in the workplace. This can include mesothelioma, asbestosis, carpal tunnel syndrome and hearing loss. Illinois workers may receive benefits if an employee suffers an occupational disease due to the nature of the job.

Repetitive motion injuries

Repetitive motion injuries occur due to repetitive and persistent movements that damage the joints, ligaments, and muscles. They can be caused by typing, packing and using tools repeatedly. Workers who experience health problems due to repetitive motions may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Mental health problems

Mental health injuries are increasingly recognized as workplace injuries – particularly in high-stress occupations. If an employee experiences stress-related anxiety, depression, or another mental health illness as a result of the workplace, they may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Sight or hearing problems

Workers who experience vision and hearing loss as a result of workplace accidents may be covered under the Workers’ Compensation Act. These losses can be caused by chemical exposure or loud noises in the workplace.

It burns.

Burns are a common workplace injury that can range from mild to severe physical injury, nerve damage, and even death. Employees who suffer a burn injury while on the job can claim workers’ compensation benefits.

Occupational diseases

Workers who contract an occupational disease due to workplace conditions may be eligible for Illinois workers compensation benefits. Common ailments are asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other respiratory infections caused by long-term exposure to toxic substances or asbestos.

Mental health issues

The workplace can be a source of stress and anxiety, which can lead to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues. Workers whose illness or injury has been caused by work-related conditions may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Fatal injuries

In extreme cases, workers may suffer fatal injuries. Their dependents or beneficiaries are entitled to death benefits to cover funeral expenses, lost wages and other expenses.

What types of injuries are covered under Illinois workers comp?

Illinois workers’ comp protects workers who cause workplace injuries while protecting employers from costly lawsuits. Knowing and complying with workers’ compensation laws can benefit employers and employees in the long run.

Employers must be aware of occupational hazards and take the necessary safety precautions to ensure that workers’ compensation claims are minimal and handled efficiently when necessary.


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