The NAACP has issued a severe travel warning for Florida


Road sign reading "Welcome to Florida" Palm trees in the background.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is pushing for a formal travel advisory for the state of Florida. The Florida State Conference proposed the proposal following Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signing into law the Individual Freedom Act. Often referred to as the Stop Making Mistakes for Our Kids and Workers (WOKE) Act, this bill regulates the education of children in schools and workers in the workplace. In particular, it blocks the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and anything that purports to be related to or inspired by CRT.

Under the Stop WOKE Act, Florida recently banned AP African American Studies from its high schools, saying the subject lacks “educational value.” Many are deeply concerned that the Stop WOKE Act will erase and censor African American history, which is an integral part of American history as a whole. In response to the recent actions of Florida and DeSantis, the NAACP may be issuing travel advisories for the state.

NAACP to issue Florida travel warning

On March 24, 2023, the Florida State Conference of the NAACP issued a statement recommending the proposal. The Florida State Conference of the NAACP unanimously supported it, meaning one request will go to the NAACP Board of Directors and could be reviewed and approved between May and July. If the recommendation is made public, it advises African Americans not to go to the state and not to go to the state. The Florida State Conference expressed concern that Florida may be fostering an environment of hate and racism through its decision to censor and deny African American history.

Meanwhile, the NAACP board of directors appears to support the travel advisory. Board Chairman Leon W. Russell said:

The comments from the Florida State Conference are a clear indication of how egregious Governor DeSantis’ actions are. A deliberate attempt to erase or misrepresent Black history is a direct attack on the foundation of inclusive education. Let’s be clear – black history is American history. We are proud of the Florida State Conference for finding this time with the equal aggression and purpose necessary to respond to these attacks. Any place in America where our history is erased does not offer a bright future for us or our children.

Has the NAACP issued travel bans before?

If approved, it would be the second time in the NAACP’s 114-year history that the organization has issued a statewide travel advisory. The organization did it for the first time in the year In 2017, a travel advisory was issued for African American travelers to Missouri. Similar to the Florida situation, the recommendation came after a particularly tough law was passed. During the travel ban, Missouri passed Senate Bill 43, which would have made it more difficult for individuals to prove they were victims of illegal discrimination based on race and gender.

Individuals who file a lawsuit against an employer, such as being fired because of their race, must provide evidence, such as a written statement, that clearly shows the defendant’s motivation was racism. Obviously, this is impossible to provide for many, and people of color can be fired, dragged, or arrested for criminals based on their race.

However, Senate Bill 43 was actually the last catalyst to push for an unsafe environment for African Americans years after Missouri. Statistics show that black drivers are pulled over by the police at a 75% higher rate than white drivers. He also discussed how the NAACP prosecutes hate crimes in the state. At the time of its passage, the NAACP made clear that the recommendation would not be repealed until Missouri took steps to address its civil rights issues.

What does a Florida travel advisory mean?

As with Missouri, Florida’s travel advisory does not prohibit or ban individuals from traveling to the state. It only serves to raise awareness for those who choose to travel there. When the advisory goes out to Missouri, he urges individuals to spread the word and let everyone traveling there know they could be pulled over, detained, searched or otherwise subjected to discrimination. Travelers are urged to get a security deposit and basically take precautions and be prepared for anything that happens while traveling.

Florida’s travel ban may be especially important given Florida’s growing hostility toward African Americans and the LGBTQ+ community under DeSantis. Despite DeSantis’ desire to erase black history, last January marked the 100th anniversary of the Rosewood massacre, a white rampage in a small black Florida town that killed and burned 30 African-American men, women and children. The city to the ground. The descendants of Rosewood fought hard to keep this event alive to show the true story of their people and the injustices they faced. People who were deeply affected by the Rosewood Massacre are still alive today seeking justice, as no arrests or criminal charges have been made in the massacre.

As the Rosewood massacre shows, racial injustice and discrimination are very real in Florida. For the state to want to pretend this never happened and deny children any understanding or empathy for the past is terrifying. Hopefully, the NAACP can raise more awareness of the seriousness of the situation by passing a travel advisory.

(Featured Image: Pgiam/Getty Images)

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