Monochromatic interior design is a home trend that takes cues from fashion.


In the world of fashion, wearing monochromatic or head-to-toe tones is an easy statement. Not surprisingly, the same can be said when applying the style to home decor, a trend we’re seeing a lot of this year. While some associate monochromatic interior design with a clean, crisp aesthetic, interior designer Kelsey Sandberg predicts a style that will go in a different direction in 2023, one with softness and perhaps nostalgia for the past. “It seems like there’s a culture shift going on as we go back to something that seems natural, maybe a little chaotic or anachronistic, that’s happening in the real world outside of our phones,” Sundberg said. Tavia Forbes and Monet Masters, the duo behind the Atlanta-based interior design firm Forbes + Masters, seem to agree, “People typically prefer lighter colors for monochromatic rooms, which are migrating to pastels with current color trends. And less saturated colors.

Nostalgia aside, another reason the trend is gaining popularity is its versatility, or as Forbes and Masters put it, “a calmness that impresses with creativity and personality.” Indeed, there is something a little je ne sai quoi about a monochromatic space because it feels like high design, but leaves a lot of room for uniqueness based on individual interpretation. What’s more, Sundberg proves that not everything has to be in monochrome for the look to work. For example, “Wood reads as a neutral, so don’t feel like you need to paint a fancy banister to get the effect. It can improve the color effect so that some key elements are left out,” she says. If you’re not sure there’s a monochrome room in your future, read on. More designer tips on how to create the look at home are just a few moments away.

Include different textures and materials

To create a successful monochrome space at home, you need to incorporate a wide range of textures and materials, says Sundberg. Although this may seem counter-intuitive, it is important to increase the demand for space and lead to a more “soft, layered and comfortable” home environment. For example, mixing velvet or leather with a high-pile rug is a fairly standard design choice, but pairing the materials in the same color instantly makes it more versatile.

Shade differences are okay (and welcome).

If the pressure to make all the room’s elements match is enough to make you shy away from trying a completely monochrome design, don’t worry. According to Forbes and Masters, it doesn’t matter if all the colors in the room are the same. “A sea of ​​blues is absolutely fine. Also, if you want to keep another color small, consider colors on the same side of the color wheel,” they say. Plus, having everything the same color tends to “look like a wash,” Sundberg explains. “You have to have a variety of tones and colors.” Also. , trying to look from this approach makes the path even more terrifying.

Consider the mood of the room

“The great thing about monochromatic design is that it allows you to control the mood of the space,” says Sundberg. So, your first order of business should be deciding how you want the room to feel. Consider your first reaction to the tinted glass you choose. “If it makes you feel warm and cozy, that’s great for your living room,” adds Sundberg, “but maybe you want the kitchen to be bright and inviting in the morning to go to bed.” In the same way, Forbes and Masters prefer to use colors that promote calmness in bedrooms, leaving more dramatic colors for formal areas.


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