How pomegranates can delay ageing, strengthen the heart and lower your LDL cholesterol


pomegranateHere’s how pomegranates help (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Written by Shabana Parveen

Pomegranates may feature on your breakfast platter for boosting immunity, haemoglobin, diabetes and heart health but given that latest research finds them anti-ageing, you should make them a staple in your morning menu. Agreed, the fruit requires a bit of an effort to eat, prying open and scooping out the bulbous pearls, but its high antioxidant value is worth the splattering of its juice.

It is one of the few superfoods with strong antioxidant properties. Many may not know this but pomegranate contains nearly three times as much antioxidants as green tea or red wine. The large polyphenol compounds in pomegranates, such as punicalagins, protect the body against free radicals. These antioxidants are quickly absorbed and metabolised into smaller polyphenols. Pomegranate seeds or extracts help prevent oxidative damage to the skin, improve skin texture, prevent wrinkles and increase microcirculation. The fruit facilitates the body’s ability to produce glutathione, which protects cells from free radical damage. It improves skin elasticity, aids in cell regeneration and collagen production and prevents sun damage, age spots and hyperpigmentation. As a result, it deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin.

A series of studies bears testimony to the pomegranate’s anti-ageing properties. Latest research by the University of Washington has found that a substance in pomegranates called “urolithin A” could be used to create novel anti-ageing treatments that strengthen muscles and mitochondrial health and thus protect against frailty in old age. A research from Taiwan in 2021 showed how the daily consumption of fermented pomegranate extracts can protect the skin against oxidative stress and slow skin ageing. Another research from 2016 showed how a molecule in pomegranates, transformed by microbes in the gut, enables muscle cells to protect themselves against one of the major causes of ageing.


Its muscle-strengthening properties makes pomegranate a superfood for heart health. Pomegranate juice is a good source of potassium, an important electrolyte for healthy muscle function and the regulation of heart rate. It contains tannins and anthocyanins, which have anti-atherogenic properties and slow down the oxidation of low density lipoprotein or LDL, the bad cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Pomegranates increase the activity of HDL (high density lipoprotein)-associated Paraoxonase 1, which breaks down harmful oxidised lipids in lipoproteins.

But the best part is that the fruit can block triglycerides that increase your risk of heart disease. By attacking them before they can be deposited in the body, a pomegranate keeps blockages away and even stops belly fat. A study in 51 people with high cholesterol and triglycerides demonstrated that daily pomegranate seed oil for four weeks significantly lowered triglycerides and improved the HDL-LDL ratio. Its potassium and magnesium content helps in lowering hypertension and blood pressure (BP).

A 2017 review in Pharmacological Research of eight clinical trials showed that pomegranate juice reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure, thereby sealing its place as a heart-healthy food.

Pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants like polyphenols and conjugated linolenic acid, which help burn fat and boost the body’s metabolism.


Pomegranates are low in calories and fat but high in fibre. This helps in breaking down food slowly, delaying the release of glucose in the bloodstream, building longer satiety that curbs mindless snacking and helping you keep to diet discipline and maintain weight. Various studies have linked pomegranate with Type 2 diabetes prevention and treatment. A study has identified how pomegranates work on Type 2 diabetics by reducing their oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. It showed how fasting blood glucose levels decreased significantly with punicic acid, methanolic seed extract and pomegranate peel extract. Known compounds in pomegranate, punicalagin, ellagic, gallic, oleanolic, ursolic, uallic acids and tannins have been identified as controlling diabetes. A study in people with diabetes in 2014 demonstrated that daily pomegranate juice consumption lowered inflammatory markers by about 30 per cent. It is important to consume the whole fruit to avail the full benefit of fibre.


The fruit contains folate, iron (which boosts haemoglobin counts) and other vitamins and minerals which are high in polyphenolic content, including tannins. These are water-soluble and easily digested in the body. The fruit contains some protein and is a good source of vitamin C, which helps keep other antioxidants working well throughout the body. Vitamin C plays a key role in several essential body processes, such as protein metabolism, collagen synthesis and neurotransmitter production. It aids in immune system function and helps with the absorption of non-heme iron, which is found in plant-based sources of iron.

Studies in 2013 and 2014 have shown that pomegranate extract can reduce inflammatory activity in the digestive tract, in breast cancer and colon cancer cells. Some laboratory studies have shown that pomegranate extracts can slow down cancer cell reproduction and can even cause apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells.

Pomegranate seeds can be added to fruit salads, cereals, green salads, smoothies, yoghurt and recipes for muffins and pancakes. They can also be blended into smoothies. Besides adding a pop of colour, they come with a goodness that’s unbeatable.


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