Moose hunting proposed to improve moose health in NEK


Vermont Business Magazine The Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife is proposing to issue 180 moose hunting permits in Vermont Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) E, located in the northeastern corner of the state. No licenses are recommended for the rest of the state.

The proposal was given initial approval by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board at its Feb. 15 meeting and is now available for public comment.

The goal of the department’s 2023 moose harvest recommendation is to improve moose health in the WMU-E by reducing moose populations and reducing the abundance and impact of winter ticks.

“Moose are abundant in WMU E,” said Vermont Fish and Wildlife Moose Project Leader Nick Fortin. “Wintering ticks only breed on moose, and higher moose densities support higher numbers of wintering ticks that negatively impact moose health and survival.”

The Department of Fish and Wildlife is partnering with researchers at the University of Vermont to study moose health and survival at WMU E. The results of the study show that 126 moose (36 cows, 90 calves) were fitted with GPS tracking collars. Chronically high winter tick loads have resulted in very poor moose health in that part of the state. Survival of adult flies remained relatively good, but birth rates were very low and less than half of the pups survived the first winter.

“Research shows that low moose densities support relatively few winter ticks, which do not harm moose populations,” Fortin said. “Decreasing moose density reduces the number of hosts available, which in turn reduces the number of winter ticks.”

The department will issue 80 both-sex moose hunting licenses and 100 antlerless moose licenses at WMU-E for moose seasons this October. This is expected to result in a yield of about 100 moose, or 10 percent of the moose population in WMU-E.

“This permit recommendation represents an ongoing effort to address the winter tick problem affecting moose in WMU-E,” added Fortin. “If the corrupt society living in that area is unhealthy and the cause is clearly identified, we must take action to solve this problem. Without intervention to reduce banana populations, high tick loads will continue to affect banana health in that region for many years.

“Department staff, including DeMoose Biologist Nick Fortin and Research Manager Dr. Katrina Gieder, bring tremendous scientific expertise,” said Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Christopher Herrick. “The proposal our board reviewed and approved is based on years of field research and sophisticated statistical analyzes presented in peer-reviewed publications, alongside the efforts of the sisterhood of Maine and New Hampshire.”

The 2023 moose harvest advisory and information about moose surveys are available on the Vermont Fish and Wildlife website. From the home page, click on Hunt and then Moose.

Comments can be submitted by email until March 31. [email protected].

VTF & W Ticks and Dead Moose Calf Photo: A high moose population in the northeast corner of Vermont has led to a significant increase in winter ticks, causing a significant decline in moose health. As many as 90,000 winter ticks have been found on a single moose. More than half of moose calves die in some winters due to bleeding caused by winter ticks. VTF&W explains that reducing moose populations will reduce the number of parasitic ticks and improve moose health.

2.16.2023. MONTPELIER, Vt. — Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife


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