AG Tong joined a coalition defending the right to travel interstate to seek an abortion.


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Attorney General William Tong


Attorney General Tong Joins Multistate Coalition Defending Right to Travel Interstate to Seek Abortion

The amicus brief argues that Texas laws violate the constitutional right of individuals to travel interstate

(Hartford, CT) — Attorney General William Tong joined a 21-attorney general coalition. The multistate amicus brief was filed in support of a preliminary injunction filed by reproductive rights advocates seeking to halt the enforcement of several Texas anti-abortion laws. In an amicus brief, the coalition argued that Texas residents and state residents have the right to temporarily travel to reproductive rights states to access legal abortions in Texas for school, work or vacation.

“Texas has passed draconian anti-abortion laws to criminalize the personal and professional choices of women, patients, and health care providers. Those laws clearly violate the right of interstate travel that allows people—through lawsuits and monetary damages—to leave Texas for pro-choice and reproductive freedom states. Our Constitution provides for jobs, health It gives us the right to cross state lines for care, school, or any of the choices and actions we make every day as free people. Texas can’t change that.” Attorney General Tong said.

The suit was filed by Texas fertility groups Fund Texas Choice, Jane Du Process, Lilly’s Fund for Reproductive Equity, Clinic Access Support Network, The Afia Center, West Fund and OB-GYN Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi. At cross-examination, Dr. Moayedi stated that she would like to travel to provide abortion services in states where her medical services are legal, and that other plaintiffs would travel to support individuals seeking reproductive services in states where it is legal in Texas. . But because of Texas’ anti-abortion laws, they fear financial ruin or lawsuits from traveling to help individuals seeking legal abortions.

In an amicus brief, the coalition argued that an individual’s constitutional right to travel is at risk because of Texas’ anti-abortion laws, and that interfering with that right would pose a significant threat to those individuals’ liberty and security. Emergency situations require evacuation from Texas. Texas anti-abortion laws not only prevent Texans from getting the reproductive care they need within Texas borders, but Texas lawmakers are seeking to impede an individual’s ability to travel across state lines to obtain an abortion. Abortion, or to support a patient who needs an abortion.

The coalition states that while Texas can regulate abortion within its borders, it is illegal to interfere with the right to travel across states, including abortion. The Commonwealth of Nations has a strong interest in protecting the right to travel between states. Thousands of state residents live in Texas to attend college, graduate school, or work as temporary workers. Millions more enter Texas as visitors each year. The coalition is committed to providing timely, legal, and safe medical care, including abortion, to Texas residents returning to their home states.

The coalition is passionate about protecting the right of Texas providers to travel to coalition states to provide abortion services or accompany a patient seeking an abortion. As states committed to protecting reproductive health care, travel is critical for the millions of individuals living in states with restrictive abortion laws to protect their right to travel and seek abortions. Texas’ anti-abortion laws — and threats by Texas lawmakers to use those laws to restrict travel outside their state’s borders — pose a serious threat to the freedom and safety of individuals who need to leave Texas to seek time-sensitive reproductive care.

He was joined by California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, and Pennsylvania in filing the amicus brief. , Rhode Island, Washington and Washington DC

A copy of the amicus brief is available here.

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