Sherman Merchandise at New York Fashion Week Show –


SHERMAN, Texas (KT) — Charlotte Brooks has checked New York Fashion Week off her bucket list thanks to the expansion of her parent’s business.

“She has made a world of difference in people’s lives more than any mom and dad could ever do. I truly believe our desire is to meet her needs,” said Cameron Brooks, owner of Charlotte Leather Clothing Company.

The company was launched in July 2021 to make adaptive clothing for children with special needs, like their daughter Charlotte.

“It’s a garment designed for children with medical needs so you can access any part of it for emergencies and everyday activities,” said co-owner Stephanie Brooks.

After a doctor’s appointment reveals that Charlotte may not have much time to live, Cameron and Stephanie Brooks create a bucket list for her, which includes walking her door in a convenient fashion show during New York Fashion Week.

“We didn’t think she was going to make it there, and she did,” Cameron Brooks said. “We’re going to continue to move forward and make sure she still has the opportunity to get the bucket list items we have for her.”

Despite the dangers, her parents plan to make the moment they leave with Charlotte a memorable one for their entire family.

“It’s another time we take a risk to make her feel alive, and that’s the biggest goal for us,” Cameron Brooks said.


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