Row of Saints: How to Unlock Fast Travel


Almost every successful game of the past is getting a reboot. So, Willing decided to give the game Saints Row a reboot flavor. It takes us to the city of Santoh Ileso with all the criminal gangs. Here, you compete for power with three different gangs. And to quickly beat the competition in Saints Row, you need to learn how to unlock fast travel.

Fast travel is not unique to the Saints Row game. If you play a few games, you will know that it is very common. Some games give it the name of fast travel, while others come up with their own names. A good example of this is the Elden Ring of Grace.

Anyway, coming back to Saints Row, the game will surely bring nostalgia for long time Saints Row players. So if you want to get back into the Saints Row series, you might want to read our Saints Row review first. In our review, we tested the story and settings, gameplay, visuals, and performance. Our Saints Row review isn’t generous, but we’ve explained why that is.

As it is a reboot, we had to discuss the changes that you will see in the game if you played the original game. You can read about these changes in our 10 Saints Row reboot guide. There are many new voice actors because, well, it’s been years since the first game. We’ve covered all of these voice actors in our Voice Actors and Actors Row guide.

How to travel fast in the row of saints

Unlocking a lone wolf fast travel point in Saints Row.
A lone wolf is a wolf statue.

Game Saints Row is organized by the city of Santo Ileso. It’s a big map with lots of views and money to make. Although the map is not as big as GTA 5 and Witcher 3, it is big enough. So moving from one place to another can be a hindrance.

In this city you have to live between three different criminal organizations. So you must have the best weapons to dominate the enemies. For that, consider reading our list of weapons in Saints Row. But these devices are locked by the level cap. You need to progress quickly in the Saints Row to get these tools.

If you run out of money to buy these weapons or various upgrades. Money in Saints Row is just as important as it is in real life. So you need to know about the best methods to earn money in Saints Row.

For large maps, video game developers have long found a solution. It is known as fast travel. At the beginning of the game, you can access the fast travel mode. That means you can go to the church headquarters or your apartment as soon as fast travel is available. However, if you want to travel to other places on the map, you will have to unlock it first.

To open them, your character has to go there and take a picture of that place. We will tell you how to do it easily in our guide. So let’s get started.

Opening fast travel through the row of saints

Fast travel points on the Saints Row map are marked like any other movement in the game. To access these fast travel points, you must drive or walk past them. With that, these points are shown on the map. You still cannot use these points for fast travel.

Once these points appear on your map, you need to go to them again. There, you have to use your phone’s in-game camera and take a spot photo. Here’s what you need to do to unlock these fast travel points in Cent Rows.

Travel to the fast travel point leg. When you get there, open your camera phone and select the Camera app from the top row. Then you have to position yourself, so the subject of the photo is lined up. Then use the camera to take a picture of the landmark.

If this is successful, you will have that border marker on your map for fast travel. But not everyone gets the perfect image on their first try. Some people mistake the symbol for missing some important part. Trust us, and we had to try twice to get these few signs right.

While you’re reading our guide on how to unlock fast travel in Saints Row, check out the Saints Row character creation system. It’s on par with recent games that let you customize your character. Each slider has a specific purpose in it.

Also, you might want to check out our list of Perks Level Saints Row. You will definitely agree with us on our decision regarding most benefits. How could we miss talking about benefits and the latest addition to Saints Row? We’re talking about talent in Saints Row. We have covered the list of all abilities in Saints Row in detail. Here, you’ll learn about every skill you get in the game and if it’s worth getting it early or not.

Take accurate photos of fast travel points

It's a quick travel point to open Bear Lake.
Bear Lake Fast Travel Point is located on a small lake.

As mentioned earlier, it will take you a few tries to line yourself up just right to get the perfect shot. This is not true when you go to unlock all the fast travel points in Saints Row. Some areas are easy on the first try. But for others, you may have to try again and again.

For the most part, your camera’s viewfinder will let you know if there’s an error in the image. You get feedback on the frame telling you what the error is. It shows popups like ‘subject out of focus’ or ‘too close’.

When these issues arise, you will have to act accordingly. If it says ‘too close’, you’ll have to zoom in, move back, or move the camera to another location to take a photo.

You must ensure that the location is ‘notable’ in the image. It must contain all the details of the fast travel location to unlock it in Saints Row. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to take the perfect photos of each fast travel spot.

[Note] There are seven fast travel points for players to unlock in the game. Consider unlocking our Saints Row Fast Travel locations guide and find out how to find each point in the game.

Last words

These are all fast travel points you unlock in Saints Row. Although the map of Saints Row is not as big as RPG games like GTA V, etc., but it is always better to know that you can save time by traveling to a certain place on the map. It certainly makes things easier.


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