Technology Trends Trainer CEO Angelo Straquatio Talks with James Barod



In an innovation + discussion with James Barrod, co-founder and CEO of Jersey City Coach Angelo Straquatio discussed the history of engineering and finance, innovation in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

The full video can be found here.

Tempo Manufacturing Cloud is a code-based manufacturing platform that promotes the development of life sciences. According to its website, this is “a platform for turning molecules into medicine.

“Trainee has built a smart manufacturing system for life sciences.

James Barrod

Before coaching, Stracquatanio had three unsuccessful starters, none of which were in the pharmaceutical industry. But none of the lost startups used other people’s money.

“I have fallen on my own coin,” he told Baruch.

After shutting down the early starters, Stracquatanio went to work for Lehman Bros. He was working there when he fell in 2008. He later got a job at Lord Abby in Jersey City. He then met his wife, who was in the field of life sciences.

“She was working here in Bradford, New Jersey, where she was working on one of the largest biotechnology companies in the field of cancer treatment,” he said.

When I spoke to her in 2013, eight and a half years ago, we were discussing how to use a 200-page paper binder to produce what I thought was one of the most advanced molecules on the planet at the time. . And as an engineer, it was shocking. How can this be done by using paper to capture this complex information and make decisions without the use of technology software? ” I thought.

While the ergonomics associated with the process remained intact, he decided to build a startup to help pharmaceutical companies transition to technology.

“(We) have built around mobility – mobile technology, mobile devices – and we have moved one step further, to use headgear,” he said.

Build trust and find a suitable product market

“For the first four years of training – for four years, you put that in perspective – people got a full college degree in that time – I was the only one and my co-founder, in the desert, I was trying to get it.

The trainee started by showing his clients how to speed up their work with the use of real glasses, and soon realized that the company could not only provide cool technology. He needed to create a complete manufacturing-performance system for life science. The added reality may be part of the forum.

“In the enterprise, there is a reality to work hand in hand. You know, I’m using both hands to control the device, to capture information, to work in a very difficult and difficult environment. And the headset is properly designed, perfect for that kind of ergonomic use case. So I think it’s very important. ”

“The way it was, we really had to do this crazy thing, which was to build this complex system to open up the market. That’s what finally opened us up. ነው It is a way for us all to embrace new technology to solve some really big challenges for the beauty industry that we are the recipients of this epidemic.

Leading the epidemic

Later, during the discussion, Barrod asked questions about coaching development.

Straquatani: “It’s amazing that we were a beautiful little company with 18 people when we got into the epidemic. That was about two years ago. We now have over 200 people. Not only that, but we have raised three rounds of funding for the $ 100 million pandemic, which we completed a few months ago, for a total of $ 140 million. Since the outbreak, my income has increased 12 times.

However, the most important thing that we have taken out of all this is the trust and loyalty we have built with our clients, because yes, we have helped them study not only with covine vaccine. Global pharmaceutical supply chains, having had a significant impact on the industry for more than 100 years.

A.D. We have already deployed them all on the site. We personally go to the client and help them grow faster. Well, we know we are not going to walk physically. So, in February 2020, we rearranged everything to prepare for something we didn’t even know was going to happen, and we came from there.

“What is amazing on our platform is not only the built-in full-fledged pharmaceutical software, but also the added-reality remote collaboration tool. It allows people to wear their headphones, share what they see in their field of view, and (primarily) have an expert in their bedroom to guide, guide and troubleshoot and guide them through the process.

He said it is important for the organizations to continue to work together, to continue to work, and to be able to work on “the most complex challenges that mankind has faced for so long.”

Lessons learned

Towards the end of the discussion, Barrod focused on what Straquataniyo had learned during this 12-year-old wild ride.

“What we’ve found is that when you start building and stacking the organization, it’s incredibly important, and alignment is fundamental to the success and health of the organization,” he said.

He said if you are clear on what the goal is, what you are working on, what the timeline is expected and who is working across the country, you have the resources to grow.

Straquatani admits that he is radical about the method and the key results.

“I believe it will create a lineup through OKR, which will create transparency for my team, which will help speed up decision-making, so my team can be empowered to make better decisions and ultimately help the organization move faster,” he said.

The method allows you to measure whether groups are on or off the track.

“It’s okay if we get out of the way,” he said. “Unless you predict that we will go out of the way, come up with a new plan to get back on track and communicate within the organization early and often.

“For me, I found it incredibly helpful to get the business to the point where it was needed. And now we have seen the results we have planned for two years directly.

After coaching for the first time, Stracquatanio first met the investor’s chief executive. He thanked coach Kirk Dundo for introducing this technique.

“I raised my hand, and you know, I don’t know what I don’t know. I wanted someone to help me look around and predict what was going to happen. ” “So, having converted, I started working with Kirk, my biggest secret tool.

Although we were a very small company when we worked together for the first two and a half, three years, we had already started the process. So, when it came to growth, I felt it was natural for me to do what I needed to do, and the organization was able to accept that. Then, as we began to feed and grow people under the organization, the system began to expand in nature. So he was the key to my success because there was no way I could predict what would happen to me without his help.

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