Attoms NFT takes Twitter by storm

Startup Stories


The popularity of NFTs and the reflection of the same on Twitter needs no special mention or explanation. NFTs, despite their volatility and downside, have emerged as a new fad that has attracted a good number of followers. Currently, Attoms NFT is turning heads on Twitter, with some users declaring it the “best NFT in town.” Only time will tell if the proclamation has some validity because as we all know, NFTs are nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. Read along to learn more about the latest star in Twitter town.

Atoms NFT

Buzz on Twitter

Simply put, the Atomverse consists of 4,444 NFTs, which are based on the 118 elements of the periodic table. According to the chemistry, and it seems that NFT has already been able to create interesting chemistry with users, the traces are visible on Twitter. People supporting Attoms NFT are doing their job honestly and spreading the word about NFT diligently. Naturally, it wasn’t long before Attoms NFT rose to the trending list on Twitter. To quantify the situation and learn a little about the chemistry of atoms, let’s consider two reactions and reactions.


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